Running RECONR

The output of RECONR is an ENDF-like file that is generally referred to as a PENDF file, for pointwise-ENDF.

Input Description

RECONR follows the same rules as all the other modules. Please see the more general information about NJOY inputs if unfamiliar. RECONR input is given in six different cards. Each card has one or more arguments and is (optionally) ended with the forward slash: /.


The input for modern RECONR is the same as for Legacy RECONR, but modern RECONR use all of the arguments. Listed here are only the required arguments. If other arguments are given, they are silently ignored.

Card 1


Unit for ENDF tape input. See input/output unit.


Unit for PENDF tape output. See input/output unit.

Card 2


Single-quote delimited string of 66 ASCII characters or less, ending with a forward slash. The value of tlabel will be used as the TPID for the PENDF file.

Card 3


ENDF Material number to be reconstructed. This is a positive four-digit number.


Number of cards of descriptive text (default=0)


Number of user specified energy grid points to be added (default=0)

Card 4


Fractional reconstruction tolerance used to linearize cross sections and reconstruct resonance parameters.

Please note that Legacy RECONR does have limited capabilities for reconstruction at a particular temperature. Modern RECONR does not and reconstructs everything at zero Kelvin.

Card 5


Single-quote delimited string of 66 ASCII characters or less, ending with a forward slash. The value of the argument is added to MF=1/MT=451. This card must be repeated ncards times where ncards is given in Card 3.

Card 6


A list of energy grid points with units of electon volt. These energy grid points will be added to the generated list of energy points.

Cards 3, 4, 5, and 6 are repeated for every material that should be processed. While this is generally not done anymore, the capability still exists.

RECONR is terminated with a final card that is just 0 /


Simple Input

 20 30                            / Card 1
 'A point-wise ENDF file (PENDF)' / Card 2
 2631                             / Card 3
 0.001                            / Card 4
 0                                / Terminate RECONR execution

Input with Descriptive Text and User-defined Energies

 20 30                            / Card 1
 'A point-wise ENDF file (PENDF)' / Card 2
 2631 2  3                        / Card 3
 0.001                            / Card 4
 'Material 2631 processed '       / Card 5.1
 'with modern RECONR'             / Card 5.2
 1.0, 2.0, 3.0                    / Card 6
 0                                / Terminate RECONR execution

Multi-Material Input

 -40 -41
 'A PENDF file with multiple materials' /
 125 1 0                    / Card3 #1
 0.001                      / Card4 #1
 'H1 from ENDF/B-VII.1'     / Card5 #1
 2631 1                     / Card3 #2
 0.001                      / Card4 #2
 'Fe-56 from ENDF/B-VII.1'  / Card5 #2
 9228 2 0                   / Card3 #3
 0.001                      / Card4 #4
 'U-235 from ENDF/B-VII.1'  / Card5 #4.1
 'Another TEXT Record    '  / Card5 #4.2
 0                          / End RECONR