3. Tutorial

3.1. Basics + Core Interface

Let’s begin with some very minimal GNDStk-based example codes, explain our arrangement of major C++ namespaces, and then move on to more-interesting and useful examples.

3.1.1. Minimal GNDStk-Aware Code

Here’s the most minimal GNDStk “application”, albeit one that doesn’t do anything:

#include "GNDStk.hpp"

int main()

The takeaway: to use GNDStk, you should #include its one primary header file, GNDStk.hpp. In contrast to the manner in which some C++ libraries are designed, GNDStk provides just this one main header file for user consumption. That header, in turn, includes all of GNDStk’s other headers, and in the correct manner with respect to namespaces and such.

Put another way, GNDStk is not designed, as some libraries are, so that you selectively choose what headers to #include. When we use the C++ Standard Library, for instance, we’ll pick and choose: include iostream, most likely, and perhaps vector, and any number of additional specific chosen headers.

The entire C++ Standard library is very large, of course, and such selectivity is important so that compile times are kept under control. GNDStk is much smaller, and we’ve judged that compilation times aren’t significantly impacted by putting forth our simple, easily followed rule: just #include GNDStk.hpp – nothing more, nothing less – in whichever of your own source files need it.

3.1.3. Namespace Hierarchy

GNDStk, like many C++ libraries, places its various constructs into a moderate number of C++ namespaces. For simplicity’s sake, omitting details that most users won’t care about, consider that GNDStk’s namespace hierarchy looks something like this:

// Outer namespaces that surround everything else.
namespace njoy {
namespace GNDStk {

   // Namespace for basic, generic "GNDS query objects". There are
   // other sets of query objects; don't worry about those for now.
   namespace basic {

      // Query objects specific for GNDS metadata.
      namespace meta {

      // Query objects specific for GNDS child nodes.
      namespace child {

      // Bring in meta:: and child:: above.
      using namespace meta;
      using namespace child;

      // Bring in common:: below.
      using namespace common;

   // Some query objects that we wish to be shared across basic::
   // as well as other query-object namespaces that we don't list here.
   namespace common {

   // Logging capabilities, including, for example, support for errors,
   // warnings, and informational messages.
   namespace log {

   // Our "core" namespace; see discussion.
   namespace core {
      // Bring in GNDStk:: itself, and basic:: above
      using namespace GNDStk;
      using namespace basic;


A few things are happening here, so bear with us.

For starters, everything is in njoy::GNDStk::. That’s easy enough to understand. Notably, however: considering that a typical C++ library will often begin, at global scope, with a namespace that matches the library’s name, it’s laughably easy to forget the njoy:: part. We’ve made that mistake several times, ourselves. We have the njoy:: only because GNDStk is just one element of Los Alamos National Laboratory’s broader NJOY suite of software projects. If – well, when – you ever forget the njoy::, a modern C++ compiler may suggest, in its initial error message (before its flood of spurious ones), that you probably meant the GNDStk:: in njoy::.

Fundamentally important in GNDStk are its “query objects”. Think of these as small modules of information that facilitate a concise notation for getting (or setting) GNDS data. (Much more on all of this later.) For now, suffice it to say that the query objects of most interest to users are our basic ones in – drum roll, please – basic::. Within basic::, query objects are further placed into meta:: or child::, depending on whether they’re designed for getting and setting metadata, or for getting and setting child nodes. Names for our query objects equate, except in certain rare cases, to the GNDS names of the metadata and child nodes with which they interact. For example, a GNDS label metadatum is called label in GNDStk’s query objects, and a GNDS styles node is called styles.

Strangely – at first glance – basic:: has using directives for its own meta:: and child:: sub-namespaces! Why not place the contents of those directly into basic:: to begin with, and dispense with the sub-namespaces altogether? It turns out, in fact, that the GNDS standard has a small amount of overlap between its names for metadata, and its names for nodes. Two examples are parity and spin. If, for example, you look through the currently available XML-format GNDS files, you’ll see XML spin="something" metadata, and also XML <spin> elements. Our arrangement for basic::, meta:: and child:: is such that if you’re using namespace basic, you can dispense with a meta:: or child:: prefix where names are unique (styles, label, and most other names), or prefix appropriately in the occasional cases where they aren’t: meta::spin for spin metadata, child::spin for spin nodes, and so forth.

basic:: is one of two namespaces (at the time of this writing) into which we’ve placed full sets of query objects for GNDS metadata and child nodes. (Don’t worry, for now, about the other set. We may even remove it, as other capabilities of GNDStk have made it less worthwhile to have than it once was.) A third namespace, common::, contains a small handful (not a complete set) of query objects that are intended for use with both of the two full sets. In addition to using its own meta:: and child:: sub-namespaces for the reasons we described above, basic:: also brings in the contents of common::, so that no common:: prefix is needed when you’re using namespace basic.

A namespace log:: also exists in GNDStk. We’ll discuss it elsewhere, but mention it here only because (1) you may occasionally find its contents to be useful for your own purposes; and (2) it serves, in contrast to the other namespaces being discussed here, as an example of something that isn’t included automatically by our core:: namespace. We don’t consider it to be useful enough, for the average user, to justify cluttering core:: with its contents. If and when you need it, log:: is short, and easy to type.

3.1.4. Core Interface

That brings us, finally, to the core:: namespace that we called out, in our example code, as being precisely what we suggest that most users bring in:

using namespace njoy::GNDStk::core;

core:: is little more than this:

namespace core {
   using namespace GNDStk;
   using namespace basic;

So, core:: brings in basic::, which as we saw above brings in its own meta:: and child:: sub-namespaces, as well as the (modest but useful) content in common::. On top of that, core:: actually brings in GNDStk:: (that is, njoy::GNDStk::), even though core:: itself in inside of njoy::GNDStk::! (The language does allow that.)

All things considered, then, the single directive using namespace njoy::GNDStk::core brings in all content from:


with the single caveat we spoke of already in regards to basic:: – that in the rare but occasional cases of overlap (meta::spin vs. child::spin, for instance, or meta::parity vs. child::parity), you must disambiguate. And the compiler will tell you as much, as it’ll be an error until you do.

The combined content of the above-listed namespaces constitute what we consider to be a good set of core GNDStk capabilities. Hence, our motivation for creating a core:: namespace that brings all of them into your code, together, via the one convenient directive that we’ve recommended.

You can consider the phrases core namespace and core interface to be essentially interchangeable. Which term we use, and where, depends on whether we’re referring to the namespace in particular, or to the functionality it exposes.

We’ll note, finally, that having (and recommending) our core:: namespace is helpful from the standpoint of software maintainability. If we decide at some future time that GNDStk needs a refactor, and/or a rearrangement of its functionality into a different overarching namespace scheme, we anticipate being able to update the contents of core:: in such a way that the codes that use it – like, we hope, yours – will need few if any changes, even if the GNDStk constructs that the codes employ have been moved to entirely new or different locations.

3.2. Read and Write GNDS

3.2.1. Read XML

Here’s a simple code that reads the XML format GNDS file named n-094_Pu_239.xml:

#include "GNDStk.hpp"
using namespace njoy::GNDStk::core;

int main()
   Tree pu239("n-094_Pu_239.xml");

Obviously, but worth a reminder, this assumes that the file resides right there, in the directory from which this code is run. If it doesn’t, include a suitable absolute or relative path in the file name string. We, and no doubt everyone reading this, have probably made this mistake often enough over the years.

Tree is GNDStk’s data structure for holding an entire GNDS hierarchy, a.k.a. GNDS tree. GNDS is, indeed, a tree-like structure, and that’s reflected in the name of our C++ class. Once loaded, you’ll be able to do great things – most likely, in this particular example, data queries from an existing GNDS file – with object, pu239 here, into which the GNDS data in the loaded file were placed.

A large collection of XML-format GNDS files can be downloaded from here:

That’s where we got our example’s n-094_Pu_239.xml, and many other GNDS files. At around 24MB in size, it’s one of the larger GNDS files from the above site, but it isn’t among the absolute largest. We’ll often use it in our examples; its modest size (by today’s standards) should still allow for fast reading, and we believe that its contents make for good examples. The same, of course, could probably be said about any GNDS file, depending on what data are of interest.

While we didn’t say so directly, a C++ programmer will have realized what the above code tells us: that Tree has a constructor from a character string (in fact, from a std::string), and for which the behavior is: “interpret the string as the name of a GNDS file, and load the file.” You could write this instead:

#include "GNDStk.hpp"
using namespace njoy::GNDStk::core;

int main()
   Tree pu239;

which is more explicit in its purpose, but slightly less concise. (And the earlier, direct-constructed Tree could be const, if that matters.)

3.2.2. Files, Streams, Types

In terms of what we saw above, Tree has four similar constructors. (And has several additional completely different constructors that are outside the scope of the present discussion).

The first argument is either a file name, or a C++ std::istream from which to read the “file.” The second argument allows you to stipulate the file format explicitly, and can either be something from GNDStk’s FileType enumerator:

enum class FileType {
   null, // Default, automagick, etc.
   tree, // <== DON't use this for reading; just writing
   // Generally use one of these:
   xml,  XML  = xml,
   json, JSON = json,
   hdf5, HDF5 = hdf5

or can be a direct string: "xml", etc. A direct string is shorter and slightly easier to type – but, if mistyped, would lead to a run-time error, not a compile-time error, if that matters to you in this simple context.

HDF5 is not supported at this time! Just XML and JSON.

You should seldom, if ever, need to provide the second argument. Absent the second argument, GNDStk determines the file type automatically, and we doubt that you’ll have any objections to that. If you do choose provide the second argument, then it, not GNDStk’s automatic file type determination, will be used, but you’ll see a warning if your directly-given value contradicts GNDStk’s automatic determination, which it still performs for diagnostic purposes. Of course, if you try to force reading in one format, and the file’s actual format is something else, you’ll soon be seeing a flood of errors, not mere warnings, as we attempt to read the file pursuant to the (incorrect) forced format.

GNDStk uses the “file magic number,” not the file name, to determine file type automatically. The file magic number really means the first byte, or bytes, of the file. XML files always begin with a < character. HDF files (not supported yet) begin with ASCII 137 and a few other specific bytes. If the first byte is neither of those values, then GNDStk assumes JSON format.

A nice thing about using the file magic number, not the file name, is that it works for std::istream, for which a “file name” isn’t even available. Moreover, it tells us what’s actually in the file or the stream, independent of what any name might imply. If you provide an XML file but call it something.JSON, then that would be a rather strange thing to do, but GNDStk will correctly determine the actual type – XML – and thus read the file correctly. In cases like that, GNDStk will do an additional good deed: it’ll warn you that the file’s name contradicts the file’s type as implied by the file magic number.

3.2.3. Read & Write XML

Here’s a simple example in which we read our trusty example GNDS XML file, then write it back out to another XML file:

#include "GNDStk.hpp"
using namespace njoy::GNDStk::core;

int main()
   Tree pu239;
   indent = 2; // <== not necessary; just for illustration

You probably already guessed, correctly, that if Tree has a read that reads, then it probably has a write that writes. We’ve endeavored to make GNDStk’s design as intuitive and consistent as reasonably possible.

We wrote earlier that GNDStk uses the file magic number, not the file name, to determine the file type when reading. When writing, there is no file magic number – the file to be written doesn’t exist, yet, or if it does, then its present contents are meaningless because the file is about to be replaced.

When you call write, therefore, GNDStk does use the file name to determine what format in which to write, except that you can provide that second argument again – a value from our FileType enumerator, or a string like "xml" or "json" – to specify the type you want directly. As it does for read, GNDStk makes some consistency checks. If you write, for instance,

pu239.write("pu239.xml", "json");

then GNDStk will write file pu239.xml in JSON format, as you asked for in the second argument, but will warn that the file extension is inconsistent with the format you asked for.

What if the file name extension isn’t given, or isn’t recognized, and a format isn’t forced with a second argument? That is, what if we wrote, for example, pu239.write("pu239")? In that case, write writes the Tree into a simple output format that we created largely for debugging purposes. You probably won’t have much use for this format, and we don’t provide the ability to read from it, but you’ll no doubt notice the problem quickly and be able to fix it.

In the above code, what’s indent all about? We didn’t really need to clutter the example by including it, as it isn’t required at all, but we wanted to illustrate something minor but perhaps of interest. indent is one of a small handful of useful “global variables” (not truly global, but in namespace njoy::GNDStk::) that GNDStk provides to you for fun and profit. Fun, at least. For XML and JSON output files, as well as for a few other things throughout GNDStk’s vast array of features, indent tells how many spaces you’d like indentation to be. GNDStk’s default is 3 spaces, which this author happens to prefer. In the example, we’re saying (before the write, of course) that we’d like 2 spaces to be used. At present, behavior is undefined if you give a negative number, and of course the output will look ridiculous if you give a huge number. Most people prefer 2-5 spaces for indentation. In case you’re wondering, GNDStk has no facility for using tabs – an evil creation, quite arguably – for this purpose.

Finally, we note that write can write to a std::ostream, not just a file, in much the same way that read can read from a std::istream, not just a file. (Always remember: ostream for writes, istream for reads.) Bear in mind, again, that with output a file magic number isn’t available, and if you use std::ostream, then a file name, from which we might guess the format, isn’t available either. So, you’ll specifically want to give the second argument – "xml", say, or "json" – if you write to a std::ostream.

3.2.4. More Reads & Writes

We hope that GNDStk’s basic facilities for reading and writing GNDS files are clear enough at this point, but we’ll provide a few more examples nonetheless. A simple XML to JSON conversion can be done like this:

#include "GNDStk.hpp"
using namespace njoy::GNDStk::core;

int main()
   Tree pu239;

Here’s a more compact version of the same thing:

#include "GNDStk.hpp"
using namespace njoy::GNDStk::core;

int main()

Just as we can write JSON, we can read it, too. If we’ve produced the output .json file as with the above example, we can read it thus:

#include "GNDStk.hpp"
using namespace njoy::GNDStk::core;

int main()
   Tree pu239("n-094_Pu_239.json");

Here, as you can see , we’ve returned to using a “read by constructor,” as in our original XML example, instead of employing a read call. It’s just more concise, in our opinion. Of course, you’ll use – and should – whichever variation you prefer.

3.2.5. Read, Write, Compare

We’ll wrap up our set of read/write examples with a code that reads our favorite GNDS XML file, writes it to a JSON file, independently reads the JSON back into another Tree object, and then also compares the new Tree to the original:

#include "GNDStk.hpp"
using namespace njoy::GNDStk::core;

int main()
   // Read from XML
   Tree FromXML;

   // Write to JSON

   // Read back from JSON
   Tree FromJSON;

   // Compare
   assert(FromXML == FromJSON);

Several remarks are in order here.

The comparison operator for Tree compares the two GNDS trees in an order-agnostic manner. GNDS fundamentally provides data in two places: nodes (think XML “elements”) in its overall tree structure, and metadata (think XML “attributes”). The GNDS standard does not, however, consider ordering to be important. One tree node’s child nodes or metadata, anywhere or everywhere throughout the entire tree structure, could be reordered arbitrarily, but if each remains equivalent – in the same respect that we consider two mathematical sets to be equivalent – then the two GNDS trees are to be considered equivalent. So it is with our Tree comparison.

Interestingly enough, the above example’s FromXML and FromJSON objects will, in fact, have quite different orderings, across the board, of child nodes and metadata! Why is this the case? GNDStk makes use of an external library called pugixml for reading and writing XML files, and an external library nlohmann/json, on Github, for reading and writing JSON files:

It turns out that pugixml preserves the existing ordering of XML elements and attributes when it reads a file, while nlohmann/json lexicographically sorts the JSON name/value pairs by name. The latter library’s behavior could be considered unfortunate if we’d rather see ordering preserved; while the former library’s behavior could be considered unfortunate if we wish to fully respect GNDS’ “no-ordering” rule and discourage the creation of code that might inadvertently depend on data ordering. In any event, our operator== for Tree respects order-independent equivalence, as it should.

What’s assert about? If you’re not familiar with assert, it’s actually a longstanding and quite useful macro that C++ inherited from the C language. assert simply checks that its argument is true, and causes the code to exit immediately, with an error message that says something along the lines of “assertion failure …”, if it isn’t true.

This documentation uses assert throughout its examples. It’s great for that purpose: an expression like assert(foo) can be read, simply and concisely, as: “we’re asserting to you, the reader, that foo is true here.” In the above code, for instance, we’re telling you directly that FromXML and FromJSON equal each other when we’re at the assert line.

GNDStk’s test suite, by the way, makes use of the CATCH library, described online as a “test framework for unit-tests.” CATCH, on the one hand, has far more macros and other testing machinery than we get with just assert by itself. However, a philosophy we’re keeping in mind with GNDStk is that we don’t want to require potential users to learn more than they need to. A system like CATCH, while more powerful, can obscure, to the uninitiated user, where even a basic construct like a main() is located, or how different source files are fitted together to create a group of tests.

Therefore, for your benefit throughout this manual, we’ll keep things simple. We’ll provide complete, working, compile-able codes except where it’s obvious that something is just a code fragment; and employ the simple but clear assert where we wish to draw attention to the fact that the asserted expression is true.

3.2.6. Regarding JSON Files

The specifications for Version 1.9 of the GNDS standard can be found here:

which, at the time of this writing, is the latest available standard. Section 2.4 of the downloadable PDF document discusses limitations of some “meta-languages” (roughly speaking, file formats) such as JSON, in comparison with what XML is able to represent.

Here are three points quoted directly from the document:

1. for meta-languages that do not support attributes, either group all attributes together under a child node called attributes or convert each attribute to a child node and add a suffix like _attr to the node name.

2. for meta-languages that do not support multiple child nodes with the same name, add a unique suffix to each node name. For example, if multiple reaction elements appear in the file, they become reaction0, reaction1, etc. To avoid parsing strings to determine the original node name, a nodeName attribute (or child node) should also be added indicating the original unmodified node name.

3. for meta-languages that do not preserve the order of child elements, an attribute or child node with the (0-based) index should be added to the node. For example, in HDF5 the attribute nodeIndex could be added to each child in a group.

For (1), GNDStk does the first suggested action: it groups all of a node’s attributes under a child node called attributes. We consider that to be cleaner than using an _attr suffix.

For (2), GNDStk does exactly as illustrated: multiple elements of the same name are suffixed with 0, 1, etc. And, then, a JSON name/value pair with the name nodeName, as suggested, is created in order to preserve the original unsuffixed element’s name.

For (3), GNDStk does nothing in particular right now. Our understanding of GNDS is that it’s designed so that elements – nodes – can appear in any order. Here’s a small XML fragment taken directly from the n-094_Pu_239.xml example GNDS file that we’ve been using for our examples:

   <axis index="1" label="energy_in" unit="eV"/>
   <axis index="0" label="radius" unit="fm"/>

Those axis child nodes already contain a 0-based index attribute, so perhaps the specification’s admonishment #3 is something we can consider to have been satisfied already by whomever has created an existing, valid GNDS file (so that no further treatment is required); or something that we must satisfy if we are to create our own valid GNDS files.

The GNDS document then puts forth the following example XML fragment – slightly reformatted here for clarity, and with a proper XML declaration node (the first line) added for completeness:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
     <name first="Doc" last="Jones"/>
     <name first="Grumpy" last="Smith"/>
    <name first="Happy" last="Earp"/>

A viable JSON equivalent is then suggested.

Calling the above XML file employees.xml, let’s bring forth our tried-and-true GNDStk methodology for converting from XML to JSON:

#include "GNDStk.hpp"
using namespace njoy::GNDStk::core;

int main()

and see what happens. Here’s exactly the output JSON file that the above code, applied to the sample XML, creates:

   "employees": {
      "employee0": {
         "name": {
            "attributes": {
               "first": "Doc",
               "last": "Jones"
         "nodeName": "employee"
      "employee1": {
         "name": {
            "attributes": {
               "first": "Grumpy",
               "last": "Smith"
         "nodeName": "employee"
      "employee2": {
         "name": {
            "attributes": {
               "first": "Happy",
               "last": "Earp"
         "nodeName": "employee"

This illustrates how GNDStk creates JSON files, consistent with the suggestions in the GNDS specification.

If you try the above code, on the given input, you’ll see that GNDStk prints two warnings. The same warning twice, actually: once during input, and once during output. The warning tells us that <employees> – the top-level node of the above XML document – is not recognized as a valid GNDS top-level node. (Valid GNDS top-level nodes, per the standard, are reactionSuite, covarianceSuite, PoPs, thermalScattering, and fissionFragmentData.) It’s just a warning, not an error, so don’t worry about it for now.

Naturally, GNDStk reverses the modifications when we read from a JSON file into our internal format. Specifically: values in an attributes block are transformed into metadata in the enclosing node, and values from nodeName name/value pairs replace index-suffixed names.

At this time, GNDStk provides no other options, such as the _attr suffix that the GNDS specification suggested as a possibility, for handling JSON. Neither can it read JSONs that may have been created in a different manner. We’re not aware, at the time of this writing, of the existence any official JSON-format GNDS files. If and when such files come into existence, and if such files use a different scheme than we do for addressing the issues described above, then we’ll provide capabilities at least for reading those files, and perhaps for writing them in that manner as well.

3.3. Data Structure “Direct”

In this section, we’ll talk about some of the basic internal constructs of some of GNDStk’s classes: more importantly, Tree and Node; less importantly, XML and JSON. We’ll describe member data – with an important message to users first – and also some of the member functions that you’re likely to find useful. For now, here, we won’t cover the plethora of member functions that support our “smart query system.” Those need their own dedicated, and detailed, discussion.

3.3.1. About Direct Access

Right away, we strongly suggest that most users avoid direct access of member data in these classes! An exception is the name string in Tree and Node, which you might well wish to access. It’s rather inoculous. Other member data, at this time, consists of containers for metadata and child nodes.

In most cases, we hope you’ll prefer to use GNDStk’s rich variety of powerful higher-level capabilities, in our “smart query system,” for pulling data from, or pushing data to, the metadata and child-node containers. (We’re talking right now about capabilities that are still in our core interface – not in our “high-level” interface that provides classes tailored to specific versions of the GNDS standard.) The basics of our “smart query system” are described in an upcoming section of this document.

Our query system was designed precisely so that you’ll have something much more concise and powerful than you will by directly accessing the containers in question. And, most likely, also safer to use, insofar as working directly with the internals of data structures, especially those that were designed by other people, invariably runs some risks. C++ containers aren’t rocket science (and, besides, some GNDStk users may well be rocket scientists), so we do in fact provide public access to these structures, in the interest of supporting users who are comfortable and capable with the C++ language.

Finally, we believe that if you understand the basic internal data format, then you may find the behavior of the higher-level capabilities, and our motivation for creating them, to be more clear.

3.3.2. Tree vs. Node

We’ve already seen Tree in some examples. It’s the class to use when you want to read or write an entire GNDS tree. Tree is derived from another important class: Node. At the time of this writing, Tree contains no additional data beyond what it gets from Node. It does, however, contain some additional member functions, and it makes some slight changes to some of the member functions that otherwise gets from its Node base.

Here’s a short sketch of our arrangement:

class Node
   using metaPair = std::pair<std::string,std::string>;
   using childPtr = std::unique_ptr<Node>;
   std::string name;
   std::vector<metaPair> metadata;
   std::vector<childPtr> children;
   // constructors, member functions, ...

class Tree : public Node
   // a few additional and/or different member functions

The GNDS standard is essentially a tree structure, and this is reflected in our classes, with Tree being intended for the top-level (root) node, and Node for all others.

Some readers may realize, correctly, that a typical tree structure’s top-level node could be treated in exactly the same way as all of its other nodes. One doesn’t generally need different data types for a tree’s root node and its other nodes, including leaves. Roughly speaking, tree nodes all “look the same,” with similar contents as well as relationships to their child nodes.

That’s all true, and it could be described as the theoretical/mathematical view of tree structures. From a practical/engineering standpoint, some utility can sometimes be had in treating a top-level node differently from the others. That’s the reasoning for Tree versus Node.

As a derived class, Tree automatically inherits most of its functionality from Node, as we want it to. In a handful of respects, however, Tree will reflect the fact that it’s there to represent an entire GNDS hierarchy, not just a portion thereof. For example, it tries to ensure that the top-level GNDS node isn’t any valid GNDS node, but one of the few that’s valid as a top-level GNDS node. (GNDStk, it turns out, emits a warning, but not an error, if you try to write a Tree that doesn’t have a top-level GNDS node with a valid name.)

One could also imagine extra functionality that a Tree, but not a Node, could be equipped with. In the typical case that a GNDS tree is read from a file, for example, we could have the Tree structure store the file name. Then, perhaps, we could equip Tree with a member function like overwrite() or rewrite() that would replace the original file (say, after a user has made changes that they wished to make to the GNDS data) without requiring that the file name be repeated. (Analogy: a image-editing GUI that provides, in its File menu, an item like Overwrite <original.jpg>, in addition to a Save As... and an Export.) GNDStk does not, at the time of this writing, provide this particular capability. By making Tree different from Node, however, we allow for the possibility of such things being added, painlessly, at a later time.

3.3.3. Content Preservation

An important initial design decision that we made for our Tree and Node classes is that they faithfully represent precisely the content from any GNDS file we may read into them. The fundamental motivation here is simple: data evaluators work hard to create good data, and we don’t want to take any actions that might, in any way, change or lose anything.

Consider, as a simple example, this small fragment of content from near the beginning of our favorite n-094_Pu_239.xml example GNDS file:

  <double label="eval" value="1.00866491574" unit="amu"/>

We could probably all agree that the label "eval" and unit "amu" should be stored as strings. But what about the value "1.00866491574"? We could store it as a double, if we’re presumptuous enough to assume that a user intends to use it as a double – not a float, say, or a long double. We’d also be assuming, there, that a user doesn’t mind the expensive of presumptively “floating-point” content from GNDS files being converted en masse from the original XML character strings to floating-points, regardless of which GNDS content the user might actually access. On top of that, we’d be glossing over the various complexities that can (and do) arise when decimal representations of floating-point numbers are converted to internal binary floating-points, and back again. (The “back again” part is especially relevant if someone plans, say, to read a GNDS file, add new data and/or fix old data in selected areas, and then write the entire GNDS file back out again.)

Instead of making wild assumptions, we’ll opt instead to preserve original content – that is, to respect precisely what exists in a GNDS file to begin with.

To this end, all individual data, regardless of what they may appear to be (string, floating-point, integer, single character, etc.), are stored as strings. More precisely, as C++ std::strings. Node names ("mass") are stored as strings. Metadata key/value pairs are stored as C++ std::pairs of strings; think {"label","eval"}. Even the content in GNDS values nodes, like this one (the first in n-094_Pu_239.xml):

  2500 8.9172 2550 8.9155 2650 8.9139 ...
  ... 28500 8.4901 29500 8.4741 3e4 8.4659

are stored, in a Node, as long strings. (We could reasonably split out such thing into std::vector<std::string>s, too, but decided to not even do that. To perform such a split everywhere, automatically, would take time, and a user might not even intend to access any specific portion of GNDS data.)

No worries, though: our core interface, and especially the smart query system that we’ve spoken of, has plenty of functionality for serving its internal strings to you as floating-points, for instance; or for re-forming long strings, like the ones just described, into vectors of strings, or vectors of floating-points, or vectors of just about anything you may wish to create. When we speak of content preservation, then, we’re saying that an input text file – XML or JSON, for now – is factored into its underlying tree structure, but with its individual meaningful parts (neglecting, as usual, whitespace) still stored as text, with no modifications.

A given user’s application code will almost certainly have its own internal classes that contain GNDS data, or data computed from GNDS data, in ways that work well for the user’s application. Someone may also have classes specifically intended to mirror the content in various GNDS nodes, just in a different way. (GNDStk’s own “high-level interface” will provide precisely such classes.) Such classes can certainly make assumptions we didn’t want GNDStk to make – like, for example, that we do want double for that numerical value above. Or, for that matter, that perhaps the unit, "amu" above should be an entry in some C++ enumerator for allowable units – no longer a string at all. We’re happy to report that our core interface, and in particular our smart query system, is designed to help you interact well, and easily, with GNDStk’s internal string storage.

We’ll write more about the above considerations elsewhere. For now, let’s return to the main point of this chapter, and describe GNDStk’s two major classes that store GNDS data.

3.3.4. Node

We’ll write first about Node (for general nodes), because Tree (for the root node only) derives from Node. Recall that the member data in Node looks like this:

class Node
   using metaPair = std::pair<std::string,std::string>;
   using childPtr = std::unique_ptr<Node>;
   std::string name;
   std::vector<metaPair> metadata;
   std::vector<childPtr> children;
   // constructors, member functions, ...

In short, inlining the metaPair and childPtr types and omitting the std:: prefix for brevity:

// Node's data members
string name;
vector< pair<string,string> > metadata;
vector< unique_ptr<Node> > children;

The above evinces a simple tree structure that’s entirely sufficient for representing the contents of any GNDS node.

Let’s provide a short but concrete example. Here’s some XML content from near the top of the n-094_Pu_239.xml GNDS file:

<evaluated label="eval" date="2017-12-01" library="ENDF/B" version="8.0.5">
  <temperature value="0.0" unit="K"/>
  <projectileEnergyDomain min="1e-05" max="20000000.0" unit="eV"/>

Here, an outer evaluated node (XML “element”) contains four metadata key/value pairs (XML “attributes”) and two child elements. The first child element, temperature, contains two metadata pairs but no further child nodes. The second child element, projectileEnergyDomain, contains three metadata pairs but no further child nodes.

At the risk of continuing a narrative of statements that are no doubt obvious, here’s precisely how the above evaluated node is represented in a Node:

name: "evaluated"

metadata[0]: {"label", "eval"}
metadata[1]: {"date", "2017-12-01"}
metadata[2]: {"library", "ENDF/B"}
metadata[3]: {"version", "8.0.5"}

children[0]: pointer to another Node, with:

   name: "temperature"

   metadata[0]: {"value", "0.0"}
   metadata[1]: {"unit", "K"}

children[1]: pointer to another Node, with:

   name: "projectileEnergyDomain"

   metadata[0]: {"min", "1e-05"}
   metadata[1]: {"max", "20000000.0"}
   metadata[2]: {"unit", "eV"}

Here, {"foo", "bar"} is a C++ std::pair<std::string,std::string>, and is thus accessible in the customary manner: .first for the "foo" and .second for the "bar".

We use C++ std::unique_ptr<Node>s for the pointers to child nodes.

3.3.5. Pointers about Pointers

A couple of early users asked us about the motivation for using pointers, so we’ll briefly address, here, the concerns that they raised, in case other users wonder the same things.

One person wondered why children is a vector of pointers – not a vector of Nodes, which would appear at least to be simpler. Of course, a Node can’t directly contain another Node – C++ wouldn’t allow it – but could indeed contain a vector of Nodes. (C++ vectors themselves involve pointers, so pointers are still involved, they’re just not explicit.)

Without delving into a discussion that’s well beyond the scope of this document, we’ll say only that implementing a Node’s children as a vector of Nodes would likely wreak havoc on efficiency, both in space (memory) and in time, when objects like Tree and Node are being read from a file or otherwise created or modified. Considerable memory fragmentation could also come about.

Another user wanted to write code that copied some of children's pointers. The attempt to do so was stymied due to std::unique_ptr's intentional lack of a copy constructor, as unique_ptr is designed to be the exclusive “owner” of the object to which it points. GNDStk uses unique_ptr quite intentionally, precisely to deal with the ownership issue cleanly and clearly while also benefitting from unique_ptr's automatic handling of an object’s memory footprint.

A code shouldn’t attempt to take any actions that would break the ownership rules unique_ptr manifests, and a C++ compiler will say so loudly if one tries. Anyone who really wishes to make their own pointer – say, a raw pointer – to an object to which one of our unique_ptrs already refers, can always dereference the unique_ptr (giving a reference to a const or non-const Node, and effectively losing the unique_ptr aspect), then take the address to get a pointer again: basically &(*uptr), where uptr is a unique_ptr in one of our children vectors. (Do not, of course, delete the Node through such a pointer; leave its management to the original unique_ptr!) We recommend that anyone who does this, or anything similar, be sufficiently familiar with the C++ language, as well as justifiably confident that there isn’t a better way to accomplish the goal at hand.

3.3.6. Tree

Tree derives from Node, so what we’ve already spoken about, in terms of member data, still applies. Some additional points are in order, however, owing to Tree's status as the root node in our internal representation of a GNDS hierarchy.

3.3.7. Direct-Access Examples

3.3.8. XML and JSON

3.4. Smart Query System

3.5. GNDS Creation

node ctors tree ctors add()s

3.6. Advanced Examples

Largely continue query system discussion. Not sure about “advanced examples” characterization.